Handle onOptionsItemSelected() for ActionBarCompat

This example override onOptionsItemSelected() method to handle user click on Options Menu in ActionBarCompat.

user click on Options Menu in ActionBarCompat
user click on Options Menu in ActionBarCompat
Modify MainActivity.java in last exercise "Add MenuItem to ActionBarCompat using Java", override onOptionsItemSelected(). Get the id of the clicked menu item by calling item.getItemId(), then compare with the id(s) defined.

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
//return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);
switch (item.getItemId()) {
case R.id.action_settings:
//match with /res/menu/main.xml
Toast.makeText(this, "Setting", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
return true;
case R.id.menuid_info:
//match with defined in onCreateOptionsMenu()
Toast.makeText(this, "Info", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
return true;
return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

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Visit: ActionBarCompat Step-by-step

Add MenuItem to ActionBarCompat using Java

We are going to add MenuItem, menuItem_Info, to ActionBarCompat using Java code.

With new menuItem_Info
New MenuItem of menuItem_Info added using Java code
Modify exercise from last exercise "Example of using ActionBarCompat with android-support-v7-appcompat".

To add new MenuItem dynamically, we have to assign new id to it. Create a new file, /res/values/ids.xml, to define our of ID:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<item name="menuid_info" type="id"/>

Modify onCreateOptionsMenu() method in MainActivity.java to add new MenuItem using Java code:
package com.example.testactionbarcompat;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.support.v4.view.MenuItemCompat;
import android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuItem;

public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity {

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.main, menu);

//add MenuItem(s) to ActionBar using Java code
MenuItem menuItem_Info = menu.add(0, R.id.menuid_info, 0, "Info");

return true;


download filesDownload the files.

Visit: ActionBarCompat Step-by-step

Example of using ActionBarCompat with android-support-v7-appcompat

This exercise show the steps to modify the auto-generated "Hello World" by Android ADT/Eclipse, to implement ActionBarCompat, with backward-compatible Action Bar back to Android 2.1.

ActionBarCompat on Nexus One running Android 2.3.6
- Before start our new project, you have to "Create library project with the appcompat v7 support library".

- New a Android Application Project as normal.

- Right click on the project, select Properties, select Android tab on the left box, scroll down on the right to make sure the check box of "is Library" is un-checked, and click the Add button to add library of "android-support-v7-appcompat". then click OK.

add library of android-support-v7-appcompat
- Modify AndroidManifest.xml, change android:theme inside to "@style/Theme.AppCompat". And make sure android:minSdkVersion is equal or higher than 7, Android 2.1.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:versionName="1.0" >

android:targetSdkVersion="18" />

android:theme="@style/Theme.AppCompat" >
android:label="@string/app_name" >
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />


- Modify menu resources file, /res/menu/main.xml.
Add a new xmlns, xmlns:myapp="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto". You can choice any name (myapp in my example) you want. But it has to be matched with the name space in .
 Modify to define myapp:showAsAction="always".
xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" >



- Modify MainActivity to extend ActionBarActivity with android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity imported.
package com.example.testactionbarcompat;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity;
import android.view.Menu;

public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity {

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.main, menu);
return true;


- Now it can be re-build to generate app with Action Bar running on devices of Android 2.1 or higher.

Add MenuItem to ActionBarCompat using Java

Visit: ActionBarCompat Step-by-step

Androidify updated with new holiday outfits

Install Androidify from Google Play

Introducing Qt Mobile

Together with the release of Qt 5.2, the Qt Mobile edition is now available for you to download and try: http://qt.digia.com/qtmobile.

~ source: http://blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2013/12/12/introducing-qt-mobile/

This video shows how easy it is to get started developing for iOS and Android using Qt Mobile with Qt 5.2. This is done by creating a simple "Hello World" application showing how it can be launched on the official Android and iOS simulators as well as real Android and iOS devices.

Mobile HTML5

Mobile HTML5

Build kickass websites and applications for all mobile (and non-mobile) platforms by adding HTML5 and CSS3 to your web development toolkit. With this hands-on book, you’ll learn how to develop web apps that not only work on iOS, Android, Blackberry, and Windows Phone, but also perform well and provide good user experience.

With lots of code and markup examples, you’ll learn best practices for using HTML5 features, including new web forms, SVG, Canvas, localStorage, and related APIs. You’ll also get an in-depth look at CSS3, and discover how to design apps for large monitors and tiny screens alike.
  • Learn HTML5’s elements, syntax, and semantics
  • Build forms that provide enhanced usability with less JavaScript
  • Explore HTML5 media APIs for graphics, video, and audio
  • Enable your applications to work offline, using AppCache, localStorage, and other APIs
  • Learn what you need to know about CSS3 selectors and syntax
  • Dive into CSS3 features such as multiple backgrounds, gradients, border-images, transitions, transforms, and animations
  • Make your web applications usable, responsive, and accessible.
  • Design for performance, user experience, and reliability on all platforms

LiquidFun Physics Engine

Google are announcing the open-source release of LiquidFun, a new C++ 2D physics library that makes it easier for developers to add realistic physics to their games.

Based on Box2D, LiquidFun features particle-based fluid simulation. Game developers can use it for new game mechanics and add realistic physics to game play. Designers can use the library to create beautiful fluid interactive experiences.

The video clip below shows a circular body falling into a viscous fluid using LiquidFun.

The LiquidFun library is written in C++, so any platform that has a C++ compiler can benefit from it. To help with this, Google have provided a method to build the LiquidFun library, example applications, and unit tests for Android, Linux, OSX and Windows.

Learn more about the LiquidFun physics engine at http://google.github.io/liquidfun/

More tools for Android game developers

Google are adding more tools to Android game developers, such as:

  • The open-source release of LiquidFun, a new C++ 2D physics library that makes it easier for developers to add realistic physics to their games.
  • Google Play Games plug-in for Unity, cross-platform game engine from Unity Technologies. Game developers can now more easily integrate game services.
  • New game categories are coming to the Play Store in February 2014, such as Simulation, Role Playing, and Educational.

Download Windows Phone Getting Started Guide

Download The Windows Phone Getting Started Guide, visit http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/student/develop-apps/windows-phone.aspx

Download Windows Phone Getting Started Guide

Charlie Sheppard: Save Your Drama For Your Mama - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Speaker, educator, founder and CEO Of Sheppard Partners, and author of the insightful and transformational book Save Your Drama For Your Mama: Drama or Leadership is a Choice, Charlie Sheppard describes the patterns of behavior that in people's lives that lead to drama or to leadership. Charlie Sheppard offers insights into why those who need development and direction most, are the least likely to embrace it, while those who need direction least are happy to receive it. Charlie Sheppard provides the concept that leadership is a choice, and a choice that can be made at any age or at any time. Charlie shares the concept of the Drama Triangle that entraps so many in its web. He also demonstrates how the Leadership Triangle, its complete opposite, provides an empowering path away from that self defeating drama syndrome. Learn how to avoid creating or participating in the drama, and how to choose leadership instead to take control of your life and your career.

Charlie Sheppard is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Tuesday, September 10, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Speaker, educator, founder and CEO Of Sheppard Partners, and author of the insightful and transformational book Save Your Drama For Your Mama: Drama or Leadership is a Choice, Charlie Sheppard describes the patterns of behavior that in people's lives that lead to drama or to leadership. You will learn:

* Why so many people choose to create or participate in drama

* Why those who need help most in escaping the drama trap resist it the most

* How to make the decision to choose the empowerment of leadership

* How to avoid the Drama Triangle and choose the Leadership Triangle

Charlie Sheppard (photo left) is the founder and CEO of Sheppard Partners, a company on the forefront of unleashing the full potential of people and teams through superior training and consulting methodologies. He is an internationally recognized leader in executive and team development.

His courses and trainings have been delivered around the world. He is a highly engaging speaker and is in constant demand for his Leadership is a Choice® keynote. He is also a professor at Hult International Business School and makes his home in the San Francisco Bay Area.

He is also the founder and CEO of KnoNow, a pioneering e-learning and social networking platform. This online tool accelerates both learning and measurement of the transfer of knowledge in an organization. KnoNow is pioneering the field of knowledge as a service (KaaS), creating for organizations a competitive advantage.

My book review of Save Your Drama For Your Mama: Drama or Leadership is a Choice by Charlie Sheppard.

Listen live on Tuesday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.


If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Add to iTunes

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with speaker, educator, founder and CEO Of Sheppard Partners, and author of the insightful and transformational book Save Your Drama For Your Mama: Drama or Leadership is a Choice, Charlie Sheppard, as he describes the patterns of behavior that in people's lives that lead to drama or to leadership. Charlie Sheppard offers insights into why those who need development and direction most, are the least likely to embrace it, while those who need direction least are happy to receive it. Charlie Sheppard provides the concept that leadership is a choice, and a choice that can be made at any age or at any time. Charlie shares the concept of the Drama Triangle that entraps so many in its web. He also demonstrates how the Leadership Triangle, its complete opposite, provides an empowering path away from that self defeating drama syndrome. Learn how to avoid creating or participating in the drama, and how to choose leadership instead to take control of your life and your career on Blog Business Success Radio.

Save Your Drama for Your Mama by Charlie Sheppard - Book review

Save Your Drama For Your Mama

Drama or Leadership is a Choice

By: Charlie Sheppard

Published: April 1, 2013
Format: Hardcover, 368 pages
ISBN-10: 0988172003
ISBN-13: 978-0988172005
Publisher: AChoice Publishing

"The basic premise of this book is that you really need to understand the patterns of drama that limit your full expression of leadership and with that understanding you can make a new choice", writes speaker, educator, and founder and managing partner of Sheppard Partners, Charlie Sheppard, in his insightful and transformational book Save Your Drama For Your Mama: Drama or Leadership is a Choice. The author describes how drama and leadership fall into two distinct patterns, and as a result leadership becomes a real and effective personal choice that can be made at any time during one's life.

Charlie Sheppard understands that drama is the direct opposite of leadership. The author also reminds readers that leadership is a choice, that requires a conscious decision, to avoid drama and all the negativity, victim hood, and adversarial thinking that accompanies that drama. Charlie Sheppard calls these traps the Drama Triangle, and offers methods for overcoming this dependency, and the false sense of no control over one's own life.

In place of the Drama Triangle, the author presents the Leadership Triangle, where a person trusts their own perspective, and assumes real control over their own choices, and the results that stem from those choices.

Charlie Sheppard (photo left) recognizes that at its most fundamental level, leadership is about making choices. The author provides evidence that if a person become immersed in the Drama Triangle, they surrender that ability to make choices. Instead of making the decisions that have a powerful impact on their lives or careers, they abdicate those decisions to others who may not have their best interests at heart. Rather than continuing to endure this sense of powerlessness, loss of control, and dependency, a person must change their internal locus of control.

Charlie Sheppard demonstrates how escape the trap and make the decision to move to the Leadership Triangle. At the very heart of the book, is understanding and acting upon your own ability to choose to be the leader of your own life and career choices. The author provides a complete examination of the challenge posed by drama, and how to transition to empowered leadership, as follows:

* How drama was born
* Your brain on drama
* Opposing triangles
* Perceptions and intentions
* Who is driving the bus
* The trap of the drama triangle
* Accountability: Accept it or avoid it
* Your energy is produced by your thoughts
* Victim or visionary
* The adversary or the catalyst
* Rescuer or coach
* Leadership is a choice

For me, the power of the book is how Charlie Sheppard combines a comprehensive overview of the personal trap created by drama, with the empowering choice of leadership to take control of your life and career. The author goes beyond the usual superficial treatment of drama, and goes to the core of why drama exists, how it traps people, and why escaping that trap is so difficult for many people. To underline these challenges presented by the drama trap, Charlie Sheppard provides the latest findings in neuroscience regarding the rewiring of the brain done through drama; and offers additional information about how the brain can be rewired once again with the empowerment of leadership.

Charlie Sheppard offers actionable advice for avoiding both the creation of drama, and for being drawn into the drama caused by others. The author explains how easy it is for a person to find themselves embroiled in drama through choosing to do so. The key is that there is also the choice of leadership to escape the drama trap. The author shares the tools, techniques, and exercises for making the decision for leadership in one's life, career, and organization as a whole.

I highly recommend the empowering and life changing book Save Your Drama For Your Mama: Drama or Leadership is a Choice by Charlie Sheppard, to anyone at any stage of their life or career who is seeking a viable and effective road map for navigating the path away from the Drama Triangle to entering the Leadership Triangle. This book provides the guidance for choosing to leave the drama behind and become a true leader and visionary.

Forget a Mentor, Find a Sponsor by Sylvia Ann Hewlett - Book review

Forget a Mentor, Find a Sponsor

The New Way to Fast-Track Your Career

By: Sylvia Ann Hewlett

Published: September 10, 2013
Format: Paperback, 256 pages
ISBN-10: 1422187160
ISBN-13: 978-1422187166
Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press

"Men and women with sponsors are much more likely to rise up through the ranks and hang on to their ambition. Sponsors - unlike mentors - give you serious traction", writes economist, founding president and CEO of the Center for Talent Innovation, and director of the Gender and Policy Program at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, Sylvia Ann Hewlett in her inspirational and career building book Forget a Mentor, Find a Sponsor: The New Way to Fast-Track Your Career. The author describes the crucial differences between a sponsor and a mentor, and shares her seven step guide to understanding the intricate relationship between a sponsor and the protege.

Sylvia Ann Hewlett understands, through her own experiences in academia, how critical the active support of a sponsor is to career success. She adds to her own personal story by including stories by other people who achieved success through the influence and advocacy of a sponsor. The author makes clear that sponsorship is not a one way event. Instead, one of the real values of sponsorships is how both people in the sponsor-protege relationship receive real benefits. Sylvia Ann Hewlett shares her ideas for finding a sponsor, working effectively and for mutual benefit, and how the idea of sponsors can become part of an organizational culture.

Sylvia Ann Hewlett (photo left) recognizes that mentors are valuable to career development and advancement. The author makes a distinction between mentors and sponsors that is not often considered by career guides. The mentor shares advice to the protege, and the sponsor serves partially in the mentor role, but more critically the sponsor serves as an advocate for the protege's career advancement. The sponsor has a seat at the table where those crucial career decisions are made, and takes a stance in support of the protege.

Sylvia Ann Hewlett presents a comprehensive guide to understanding sponsorships, attracting a sponsor for a mutually worthwhile sharing of benefits, and for understanding the some of the potential dangers and pitfalls that accompany unsuitable sponsors. The concept of sponsorship is considered in three overall sections as follows:

* The sponsor imperative: What is sponsorship and how does it work
* Road map for proteges: Finding and working with a mutually beneficial sponsor
* Pitfalls and trip wires: Sex, distrust, and executive presence

For me, the power of the book is how Sylvia Ann Hewlett combines a complete analysis of the value of two way street sponsorship, with the practical steps to establishing a rewarding sponsor-protege relationship. The author demonstrates clearly why it's simply not enough to find a suitable mentor. While the author acknowledges the value and benefits of working with a mentor, she also recognizes the limitations of the mentor role. To fill the important advocacy role, that is not part of a mentor-mentee relationship, Sylvia Ann Hewlett brings forward the role of the sponsor.

Sylvia Ann Hewlett shares her seven step process for finding a suitable sponsor, and also reminds the protege of their own responsibilities within the relationship. Unlike many discussions of the roles of mentors and sponsors, the author provides a complete analysis of some of the pitfalls that await the unwary who fail to conduct due diligence on their prospective sponsor. The stories of other successful sponsorships, and the career benefits they provided add an extra real world dimension to the book as well.

I highly recommend the essential and professional life changing book
Forget a Mentor, Find a Sponsor: The New Way to Fast-Track Your Career by Sylvia Ann Hewlett, to anyone at any stage of their career path, who is seeking a clear and concise guide to understanding and embracing the relationship with a sponsor. This book will not only advance your own career but will benefit your sponsor, and the entire organization as well.

The Crowdsourced Performance Review by Eric Mosley - Book review

The Crowdsourced Performance Review

How to Use the Power of Social Recognition to Transform Employee Performance

By: Eric Mosley

Published: May 8, 2013
Format: Hardcover, 272 pages
ISBN-10: 0071817980
ISBN-13: 978-0071817981
Publisher: McGraw-Hill

"The traditional performance review is frozen in time. Its design is outdated and its implementation is typically mediocre", writes social recognition thought leader and CEO of Globoforce, Eric Mosley, in his innovative and transformational book The Crowdsourced Performance Review: How to Use the Power of Social Recognition to Transform Employee Performance. The author describes the flawed and counterproductive approach taken with utilizing the traditional performance review, and offers an alternative strategy of gathering and assessing the opinions and perspectives of many people to establish a more accurate appraisal of an employee's contribution.

Eric Mosley understands that the standard form of performance reviews is not only deeply flawed, but also produces the exact opposite outcomes from those expected from the appraisal. Instead of building employee morale and improving overall productivity, the traditional review creates a culture of fear, mistrust, and lowered staff morale.

To overcome these glaring weaknesses in the employee review process, Eric Mosley recommends a completely different approach to evaluating employee performance and contribution to the organization. Instead of simply utilizing an annual, one on one meeting between manager and employee, the author proposes widening the scope of the review including the entire organization on an ongoing basis.

Eric Mosley (photo left) recognizes that the traditional performance review is so deeply flawed in its design and execution, that no amount of incremental improvement can salvage it from the trash bin of history. While the author realizes that the standard appraisal format is formal and structured, he proposes an entirely different formality and structure within the crowdsourced approach. The fundamental difference resides in the real time assessment, the ongoing nature of the review, and the crowdsourced input and information comprising the evaluation.

Eric Mosley presents an alternative methodology that overcomes the problems inherent within the traditional performance review. This fresh approach also takes advantage of the advances in technology, the power of social media, newer business thought regarding the value of company culture, and the collective wisdom of the entire organization. The author divides the book into three overarching sections as follows:

* Improving performance with the wisdom of crowds
* Putting the crowdsourced performance review into practice
* The future of performance management

For me, the power of the book is how Eric Mosley combines a strong theoretical framework and reasoning for using a crowdsourced performance review, with the practical steps for the successful implementation of this new evaluation process. The author establishes the reasoning for replacing the outmoded traditional review process with a completely different methodology. The standard review process has never achieved its stated goals at the best of times. The process is adversarial and fails to guide or coach employees to higher levels of performance. Indeed, the opposite effect is more likely outcome, making the entire event an exercise in futility.

Eric Mosley embraces the reasoning that the established process is not repairable, and needs replacement. The advances in technology enable managers and entire organizations to evaluate and assess performance on an ongoing basis, and in real time. The entire wisdom stored in the entire organization is also called upon in the evaluation process, providing more insights, ideas, and perspectives that a single manager may miss.

The author also recognizes that the older process did real harm to employee morale, resulting in a mistrusting company culture. The proposed new performance review transforms the culture into one of engagement and collaboration in the process, offering the competitive advantage of a strong company culture.

I highly recommend the revolutionary and must read book The Crowdsourced Performance Review: How to Use the Power of Social Recognition to Transform Employee Performance by Eric Mosley, to any business leaders, executives, and managers who are seeking a fresh and effective approach to the age old problem of creating effective employee performance reviews. With the current practice of reviews being completely outdated, this book offers an alternative that is effective for the employee, the manager, and the entire company culture.

Feed the Startup Beast by Drew Wiliams & Jonathan Verney - Book review

Feed the Startup Beast

A 7-Step Guide to Big, Hairy, Outrageous Sales Growth

By: Drew Williams, Jonathan Verney

Published: June 25, 2013
Format: Paperback, 304 pages
ISBN-10: 0071809058
ISBN-13: 978-0071809054
Publisher: McGraw-Hill

"Thanks to the web, there's never been a better time to be a growth-oriented entrepreneur - - provided you're willing to embrace the digital world in innovative new ways. The truth is, the Internet has leveled the playing field", write managing partner at nuRevenue Partners, Drew Williams; and president of the Corporate Storyteller Inc., Jonathan Verney in their very hands on and real world tested program based book Feed the Startup Beast: A 7-Step Guide to Big, Hairy, Outrageous Sales Growth . The authors describe their proven and repeatable seven-step technique for achieving huge growth and success in any entrepreneurial venture.

Drew Williams (photo left) and Jonathan Verney understand the critical importance of listening to others, before starting a business, and after its launch as well. Listening draws the entrepreneur's attention to great ideas, problems that require solutions, and the pain felt from challenges faced by customers. Instead of providing pages of theory about entrepreneurship, and about building an explosive growth business, the authors dive right into the program for developing a high sales growth company.

The book provides advice and tested strategies and techniques for a company at any level of its development as a business. The authors begin their description of their process by having entrepreneurs listen to the signals flowing from the business itself. The lessons from those internal sounds may surprise the entrepreneur, and lead the company in an entirely different direction. That is the power of listening and learning.

Jonathan Verney (photo left) and Drew Williams recognize that that understanding the groans and rumbles from the business are important. To better comprehend and act upon the sounds arising the business, the authors divide the book into two main sections.

The first part of the book is designed to better focus the entrepreneur on the overall strategy needed for identifying the true direction, products and services, and customers for the business. The second part of the book provides the methodology for growing the company that transforms an ordinary business into hard charging and hungry beast.

The authors present a workable and repeatable system that is effective regardless of the size of the company marketing budget. The book is based on longer cycle, complex sales as the driver of company revenue, but the seven-step process is also effective for other types of business models. The seven steps to building a successful growth based venture are as follows:

* Ask: How a single question can reveal your future
* Listen: And let your customers drive the bus
* Focus: Organizing your resources for the engagement
* Attract: The secret to being found by prospects
* Pursue: The secret of finding prospects
* Nurture: Nurture, convert, and grow big
* Grow: Measure your growth and track your success

For me, the power of the book is how Drew Williams and Jonathan Verney take a direct, no nonsense approach to providing their seven-step business growth process. The book has a sales and marketing orientation designed to build customers, and keep those customers returning over the long term. The key to this customer loyalty factor is the constant focus on and attention to listening to the needs, problems, and concerns of the customers themselves.

From the initial searching for prospects, to the their first contact with the company, to their initial purchase, to their long term relationship with with business, the authors stress a customer focus. By harnessing the immense global power and reach of the internet, a business is able to compete effectively with companies many times their size. The methodology offered in the book is tested and proven to work with companies of all types, regardless of industry. The key to rapid growth is listening and learning more about the customers, and delivering solutions to their challenges and easing their pain.

I highly recommend the indispensable and positive results focused book Feed the Startup Beast: A 7-Step Guide to Big, Hairy, Outrageous Sales Growth by Drew Williams and Jonathan Verney, to any current or would be entrepreneurs seeking a clear and concise road map to establishing a business based on strong sales and marketing strategies. The advice offered in this book is extensive, and using even a part of what is provided, will result in a massive explosion in your sales numbers.

X-Events by John Casti - Book review


Complexity Overload and the Collapse of Everything

By: John L. Casti, Ph.D.

Published: March 12, 2012
Format: Paperback, 336 pages
ISBN-10: 0062088297
ISBN-13: 978-0062088291
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks

"X-events of the human - rather than nature-caused - variety are the result of too little understanding chasing too much complexity in our human systems", writes pioneer of complexity science and systems theory, Senior Research Scholar at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, John L. Casti, Ph.D.,in his provocative and thought provoking book X-Events: Complexity Overload and the Collapse of Everything. The author describes the challenge of understanding and evaluating extremes risks to human society due to the increasingly unsustainable complexity of the systems.

John Casti recognizes the inherent fragility of our exponentially growing ever more complex society. For the author, this growing complexity is not only unsustainable, but that the various systems are interlinked and interdependent upon one another. The dependence on ever more technology to maintain the many intertwined systems multiplies their vulnerability to collapse due to some random and unexpected event.

John Casti presents these unexpected and outlier events as very real possibilities that would have a profound effect on civilization and on humanity itself. The author also points out that these unusual extreme events, that he calls X-events, are not well studied or examined. As a result, John Casti proposes the establishment and development of a the theory or this risk and potential disastrous shock to the systems.

John Casti (photo left) understands that as systems grow in size and complexity, they also become more fragile and vulnerable to collapse. While most people don't consider the possibility of catastrophic disasters, and usually consider technology to be the best solution, John Casti posits that complex technological systems are the problem. Indeed, the author is not describing a localized and readily containable disaster of the type with which people are familiar.

John Casti is providing risk analysis of calamities affecting civilization on a global scale. While each of the potential catastrophic events seems remote in isolation, when taken together and considered as interlinked components of an overall system, the risk factor grows exponentially. The author points out that to compensate for systemic flaws and weaknesses, the usual prescription is to apply more technological solutions, and increasing the susceptibility to planet wide disaster even more.

John Casti proposes the following catastrophic disaster scenarios which could set back human civilization by centuries or even by millennia. None of the possibilities are impossible or flights of fancy. All are very real possibilities, with the only difference being in their level of probability. The disaster scenarios are as follows:

* A long-term, widespread failure of the internet
* Breakdown of the global food supply system
* Continent-wide electromagnetic pulse destroys electronics
* A collapse of globalization
* Destruction of Earth through the creation of exotic particles
* Destabilization of the nuclear landscape
* Drying up of world oil supplies
* A global disease pandemic
* Failure of the electrical power grid and clean water supply
* Intelligent robots overthrow humanity
* Global deflation and collapse of world financial markets

For me, the power of the book is how John Casti combines a complete overview of the susceptibility of the many global systems, with a series of very credible scenarios that could set back human civilization for at least many decades. The author provides a powerful wake up call for those who believe that our complex and interconnected worldwide systems are safe from catastrophe. In fact, the author provides compelling evidence that this very complexity, that was designed and created to avoid system wide failure, is what makes the systems vulnerable in the first place.

John Casti doesn't go the doom and gloom route, that many other books do in the apocalyptic genre, despite his warnings of potential systemic failure. The author is not trying to scare people. He is seeking ideas and solutions to the challenges faced by an ever more complex set of systems. The primary goal of the book is to discover new ways of assessing and evaluating risk in areas where statistical analysis and probability theory are inadequate. By examining these possibilities, in a realistic and systems based format, the author creates a new field of study in the form of X-events theory.

I highly recommend the real world focused and systems analysis based book X-Events: Complexity Overload and the Collapse of Everything by John Casti, to any business leaders, global theorists, political leaders, public policy makers, engineers, scientists, academics, environmentalists, and anyone else seeking a clear and concise assessment of the risks inherent in the complexity of modern systems. This book will guide you toward realistic analyses of risk and risk management, and some real solutions to those challenges as well.

Karen Phelan: Games For Leadership Development - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Consultant, former engineer, co-founder of Operating Principals, and co-creator of Leadership Development Cards, Karen Phelan describes how games can be used effectively to develop leadership skills and build teams. Karen Phelan provides the background to using pretend style games to learn new leadership skills. The skills are based on pretending to be a famous leader of the past or present, from many different fields and accomplishments. Karen offers ideas for using the cards and games for building effective teams, and for working successfully toward the team's goals and objectives. Karen also shares how to use the games to draw out depersonalized feedback about yourself, as well as of other leaders and team members. Learn how to use games as a productive and insightful format to learn and develop leadership and teamwork building skills.

Karen Phelan is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Thursday, September 5, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Consultant, former engineer, co-founder of Operating Principals, and co-creator of Leadership Development Cards, Karen Phelan describes how games can be used effectively to develop leadership skills and build teams. You will learn:

* Why games are so effective for developing leadership skills

* How games can help with building effective teams that achieve their goals

* How cards of famous people, with you taking their role, are effective teachers

* Why feedback from the impersonal aspect of the pretend game works better

Karen Phelan (photo left) has over twenty years of experience in IT, operations, and organizational learning and development. She has held management roles in Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson and different consulting roles at Deloitte & Touche, Gemini Consulting and her own consulting firms. Conversant in IT, NPD, and Supply Chain, she prefers to work in the people side of a company.

Karen holds both a BS and MS from MIT and likes to write books in her spare time. She's written a humorous look at business in Who Moved My Holy Hand Grenade? and her most recent book is I'm Sorry I Broke Your Company: When Management Consultants Are the Problem, Not the Solution. She's also got a skewed sense of humor.

My book review of I'm Sorry I Broke Your Company: When Management Consultants Are the Problem, Not the Solution by Karen Phelan.

Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.


If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

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To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with consultant, former engineer, co-founder of Operating Principals, and co-creator of Leadership Development Cards, Karen Phelan, as she describes how games can be used effectively to develop leadership skills and build teams. Karen Phelan provides the background to using pretend style games to learn new leadership skills. The skills are based on pretending to be a famous leader of the past or present, from many different fields and accomplishments. Karen offers ideas for using the cards and games for building effective teams, and for working successfully toward the team's goals and objectives. Karen also shares how to use the games to draw out depersonalized feedback about yourself, as well as of other leaders and team members. Learn how to use games as a productive and insightful format to learn and develop leadership and teamwork building skills on Blog Business Success Radio.

Dana Manciagli: Cut The Crap, Get A Job - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Long time corporate executive and hiring manager, career coach, keynote speaker, and author of the straight talking and positive results oriented book Cut the Crap, Get a Job! A New Job Search Process for a New Era, Dana Manciagli describes the new and challenging job search landscape. Dana Manciagli provides the proven strategies, techniques, and tools needed to land a job in today's highly competitive job market. Dana offers insights into what hiring managers are really looking for in applicants, and shares insider secrets for being the ideal candidate for the job. Dana presents innovative ideas for using the internet and social media effectively for search, research, and networking. Dana also offers some important advice for creating a better resume, using cover letters more effectively, and for giving a job clinching interview. Learn how to compete and win that great job even in today's difficult and challenging job market.

Dana Manciagli is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Tuesday, September 3, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Long time corporate executive and hiring manager, career coach, keynote speaker, and author of the straight talking and positive results oriented book Cut the Crap, Get a Job! A New Job Search Process for a New Era, Dana Manciagli describes the new and challenging job search landscape. You will learn:

* Why today's job market needs new skills and strategies

* How to prepare for the highly competitive job search

* How to find leads through the internet, social media, and networking

* How to create a good resume, cover letter, and ace your job interview

Dana Mancialgi (photo left) called "a combination of Jillian Michaels and Suze Orman for careers," has been a corporate executive for more than 30 years and has leveraged her employee hiring and management experience into that of author, blogger, keynote speaker, career coach, and global career expert.

Dana has had a remarkable career in global sales and marketing roles in Fortune 500 corporations. Recently retired from a decade's tenure at Microsoft as worldwide sales general manager, Dana previously worked for Kodak as VP of worldwide marketing and climbed the corporate career ladder through Sea-Land, Avery Dennison, and IBM. She also helped grow a fast-growing technology start-up from early stage to IPO and sale of the company.

Dana has coached, interviewed, and hired thousands of job seekers. As a result, she has developed a proprietary job search and networking process. Her ideas and techniques are proven to be as effective for college graduates as for senior executives. Dana has presented her concept at hundreds of career-centric and corporate events and is a prolific writer on the subject. She is a sought-after speaker and a regular contributor to print and online publications.

Named a top "Women of Influence" in Seattle, Dana lives and works in Puget Sound where she serves on the Worldwide Board of Junior Achievement. She is also a breast cancer survivor, received her MBA at the Thunderbird School of Global Management in Arizona, and speaks fluent Spanish. Dana shares here life with Mathis, is immensely proud of her two grown sons, Shane and Chad, and loves to golf and travel the world.

My book review of Cut the Crap, Get a Job! A New Job Search Process for a New Era by Dana Manciagli.

Listen live on Tuesday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.


If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Add to iTunes

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with long time corporate executive and hiring manager, career coach, keynote speaker, and author of the straight talking and positive results oriented book Cut the Crap, Get a Job! A New Job Search Process for a New Era, Dana Manciagli, as she describes the new and challenging job search landscape. Dana Manciagli provides the proven strategies, techniques, and tools needed to land a job in today's highly competitive job market. Dana offers insights into what hiring managers are really looking for in applicants, and shares insider secrets for being the ideal candidate for the job. Dana presents innovative ideas for using the internet and social media effectively for search, research, and networking. Dana also offers some important advice for creating a better resume, using cover letters more effectively, and for giving a job clinching interview. Learn how to compete and win that great job even in today's difficult and challenging job market on Blog Business Success Radio.

Cut the Crap, Get a Job! by Dana Manciagli - Book review

Cut the Crap, Get a Job!

A New Job Search Process for a New Era

By: Dana Manciagli

Published: April 15, 2013
Format: Paperback, 206 pages
ISBN-10: 1935953478
ISBN-13: 978-1935953470
Publisher: Authority Publishing

"If you haven't studied and practiced job search skills recently, you should assume you are terrible at job search", writes global career guide, keynote speaker, and career coach Dana Manciagli, in her straight talking and positive results oriented book Cut the Crap, Get a Job! A New Job Search Process for a New Era. The author describes proven, real world strategies and techniques for preparing for a winning job search, uncovering that great job, and interviewing for it successfully to land the position.

Dana Manciagli understands that the rules and strategies for finding a job have changed drastically over the past few years. Not only has the job market undergone dramatic upheavals, but the hiring process has been altered entirely as well. The author also reminds employment seekers that these changes in the hiring environment have also increased the level and quality of competition vying for those available jobs. Dana Manciagli stresses the competitive aspect of the job seeking process, and demonstrates how to win that great position.

The author also points out that hiring managers are looking for people who have the skills for the role, but they also want someone who will be a success at that job. As a result, the author emphasizes that standard employment seeking methods are precisely the wrong approach to finding a job.

Dana Mancialgi (photo left) recognizes that in the new employment landscape that new barriers to getting hired are part of challenge. The author writes that job seekers face obstacles in both preparation and in application. Clearing one hurdle is not enough if a person gets tripped up in the other hurdle. To overcome these difficult and unexpected challenges, Dana Mancialgi offers fresh and creative methods for breaking through the barriers and for landing the job.

Dana Mancialgi presents a no nonsense approach to the new world of job hunting. The author makes clear to the employment hunter that the task facing them is not an easy one. The author promises no short cuts in today's highly competitive job market. Dana Mancialgi presents her straight talking advice for job seekers in three major sections as follows:

* Attitude, commitment, and goal-setting
* Preparing to win a job
* Apply, interview, follow up

For me, the power of the book is how Dana Mancialgi combines a realistic appraisal of the contemporary job market, with the practical and hands on strategies for preparing for and conducting an effective job search. The author doesn't pull any punches as she shares her overview of very real obstacles in the path of today's job seeker. She points out that the techniques and advice, that may have worked effectively even a few years a ago, result in failure to get the job today. This seemingly harsh advice is essential for job seekers to know and understand as they face the challenge of landing a great job.

Dana Mancialgi presents the job search as one of being a tough competition. With this viewpoint in hand, the job hunter is made fully aware of the real work they must put in to preparation, search, and application. As Dana Mancialgi says herself, this book is not for those people looking for an easy path to a job. The days of simple searches are over.

I highly recommend the clear and concise book Cut the Crap, Get a Job! a New Job Search Process for a New Era by Dana Mancialgi, to any current or potential employment hunters who are seeking an honest, straight forward, and real world based book on landing a job in the tough job market of today. This book contains innovative solutions, some tough love if needed, and the essential tools for getting that great job.